Touring/Gigging/Session Musician/Film Music
Los Angeles, CALIFORNIA, Updated AUGUST 2024- Shows page
Blues Infused Soul/Indie Rock & Roll
Back In The Studio!
Finishing basic tracks this month then off to overdubs, mixing & mastering! Record slated for release the end of fall!
3/1/2022- Extremely happy and fortunate to be featured on another "Artist Spotlight" for Gretsch!!!
Huge & deep thanks to Fred & Dinah Gretsch for highlighting me, special thanks to Ron Denny for all his magnificent work, & love to the whole incredible Gretsch team!
Click here or on the Gretsch photo below to read the full interview!
Check out my YouTube videos of live performances of 2 original songs
"Nothing At All" & "Burn It Down"
which will be on my upcoming album... Click song titles to watch!
Past News-
Excited to be selected for 2021's Guitar Girl Magazine Calendar as Miss December!!

Pleased to be featured in the 2020's spring issue of Guitar Girl Magazine! Read the article via pictures, or follow the link below to read the full interview:

-July 1st, 2020-
Had a blast doing an international collaboration with my fellow Gretsch Guitars endorsed U.K based friend, Mr. Ruzz Evans!!
Along with good friends Chris Smith on bass (newly endorsed by Gretsch as well), and Greg Mitchell on drums.
We came together virtually to record a song written by Ruzz entitled 'Swing Thing'.
Excited to have the video featured on the Official Gretsch Website, and Twitter account too!
Click the photo below to watch it:
Also check out my edition of "Tone Talk" for Guitar Girl magazine 2019 edition- Click on the photo below to read the full interview:
Check out the music video with former band "Greg Antista & The Lonely Streets" that I parted ways with to focus on my own music-
The video was directed/written/produced by good friend & up-and-coming Brazilian American female director Marcela Mariz, she did such an amazing job!
Of www.shorebirdproductions, Instagram @marcelamariz13.
Watch the video on YouTube here, or click the photo below:
Please visit my "YouTube channel" for the latest live videos & other goodies!
Read about me jamming with the one and only guitar & music legend/icon, Prince.
Completed film music/ over 20 original musical compositions for the documentary "David Mirisch- The Man Behind The Golden Stars', about legendary Golden Age of Hollywood publicist & his philanthropic work, which is still making the rounds on the international and U.S film circuit! Click the photo below to watch the trailer:
Very pleased to be endorsed by Gretsch Guitars!! Joined the family in 2018! Click on the Gretsch Logo below to check out my Artist Spotlight on the Gretsch website, biography, pictures and video.